Adult Programs


We have several recurring programs for adults as well as other one time events or social gatherings. Please contact our office for more information about the groups listed below or if you'd like to know about upcoming events!

Active Adults

Our seniors meet the third Thursday of each month, September through May, at 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy an afternoon together. We typically begin with a potluck lunch before having a guest speaker or other presentation on topics that have included poetry readings, Native American Culture, Protecting Yourself from Fraud, and Health Care Directives. Join us for the fun, growth, and fellowship!

A few of our seniors after finishing our bi-yearly clean up of highway 100. Good times.

Prayer Shawl Group

Our knitting group that meets on the third Thursday of each month to make prayer shawls, share prayer concerns, and connect with one another. New knitters always welcome!

Men's Group

Our Men's Group meets on the third Thursday of each month for a variety of activities to build relationships with each other, have fun, and go out for dinner. Please contact our office to find out what they'll be doing next!

Small Group Studies

Throughout the year we host periodic Bible Study or Book Study groups. These groups usually meet Wednesdays prior to choir rehearsal and give us the opportunity to grow in faith together as we wrestle with where God may be leading us today. Keep your eyes and ears open for more information on our next small group study.